Sungai Nipah - A village with permanent scar after the major diseases (Nipah Virus)

Kampung Sg Nipah - The only village will say NO to *PIG*

Those who were born in 80's or prior. You would probably have heard about a major disease (Nipah Virus) occurred in 1998 - 1999. This disease was similar to J. E, but it was a modified one and founded in Kampung Sg Nipah. That's also the reason of naming the virus as Nipah Virus. Of course this was something related to Pig. Way back to 1999 and prior, Sg Nipah was a very well known and wealthy town that produced pigs as a key business. 

Almost every house would have their own pig farm and supplying the pigs largely to nationwide Malaysia. And Singapore was one of the key importer during that era. Due to the blooming of pig farm business, all the business owner were living in a higher quality of lifestyle. As long as you were driving BMW or Mercedes that time, you were said living in Sg Nipah. 

However, a nightmare occurred unexpectedly and destroyed the entire village. All the villagers moved out overnight due to the disease (J. E) outbreak. Out of sudden, the village had fallen into a dead city. About 1 millions pigs had been killed and exterminated. Many people sacrificed in this incident too. Form thereon, the darkness surrounded the village, and pigs farm business had been permenantly shut down.

After few months disinfection, Sg Nipah village was no longer glorified. And the reputation had dropped from heavenly high to a hell low.

Walking into the village, I could still sense the griefs & the pain from the family of the survival. 

Anyway, we greatly appreciated the chance given to understand the past history and special thanks to our Guide Mr. Lee explanation to walk us through the journey to the past. 

1. Main gate & Landmark of Sg Nipah Village 

2. Sg. Nipah Cultural Museum 

This museum willl allow you with a full walk through of Sg Nipah Village. From the adoption of the fruity Street name till the disease outbreak, every footprints seems so educational to us. 

We never though that such a small village will had gone through a lot of unbearable events and still standing strong today. Truly pay our high salutation to the villagers here.

This museum is also featured a exhibiting corner showing the PIG cycle. From breeding, nursery until they're sold to the secondary market. Its indeed very interesting to know about some useful facts. 

Information : 
Please contact the Person In charge if you wish to visit this museum. 
Contact detail is indicated as above picture shown. 

Special thanks to Mr. Pau & Mr. Lee for a wonderful tour arrangement during our visit.

3. Murals 

4. Restaurant & Kopitiam (Big foot tree restaurant) (Hou Sheng zhai Tie Ban Sao - 后生仔铁板烧)

We had our lunch at one of the restuarnt under a giant tree. This restaurant has no specific signboard but it's run by a family business. 

They're selling some hawker's foods but full of old town taste. The highlights as follow :- 

  • Prawn noodles - Aromatic broth and full of prawns essence. And the combination of all the ingredients are well blended. 
  • Homemade dumpling - The filling is juicy and generous. You can find a complete shrimp stuffed in the core of the filling. 
  • Pan Mee - the dough is slippery plus the quality broth. Thumbs-up 

Contact : 
FB link

5. Sg Nipah photoshop booth

6. Fruit Street Name 

7. Temple Kampung Sg Nipah 

Every small town community with majority Chinese population will be accompanied by a temple. Chinese community holds the strong belief that their village is governed by all the Godly guardian. Protecting their village from any adversity and bring abundance of good fortunes and peacefulness to thier living place. 

This temple is said to be very fulfilling. Even the past tramautic incedient (Disease outbreak) was an early hint by the god to evacuate the villagers from being intruded by this destructive disease. 

8. Ang Chu Gia ( 红屋,福建话)

Ang chu Kia means red colour house. Sg Nipah is named after the leave called ATTAP. this is mainly due to the early houses in Kampung Sg Nipah was built by ATTAP or called straw house. 

After all, Malaysia Chinese Association bought over the entire land & demolished some of the old houses and rebuilt a quarter for all the villagers with the theme of red colour roof. That was why the houses called red house. Those day, developers offered the house renting to all the villagers by paying only RM 700 per month. And few years from then, tenants were allowed to buy off the house with a very affordable price after having enough savings. 

From far, the red roofing was so eye catching. Unfortunately, all the house had been ruined due to the erosion of the weather's condition. 

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